
A Research on Internet News Sites' Meeting the Conditions for Receiving Official Advertisements and Advertisements: The Case of Uşak Province

The Official Announcement and Advertisement Regulation governs how official announcements are made by government institutions, public organizations, and local governments. Newspapers generate significant revenue through such official announcements. However, advancing technology and changing media consumption habits have necessitated the revision of this regulation to include online news websites. In today's context, internet news sites have become a crucial platform for disseminating news alongside traditional media. Therefore, in early 2023, the Official Announcement and Advertisement Regulation was revised to enable internet news sites to also receive official announcements. This change has allowed internet news sites to be financially supported by the revenue generated from official announcements. The revamped regulation outlines the conditions under which internet news sites can receive official announcements and advertisements. Internet news sites that meet specific criteria can apply for official announcements and receive a specified fee in return. This study examines how internet news sites operating in the Uşak province have adapted to these new regulations and how they comply with the conditions for receiving official announcements and advertisements.


Social Media, Municipality 2.0, Use of Social Media, Uşak Municipality
