With the increasing communication technologies, the usage areas of social media have gradually increased. With the increasing number of users day by day, social media areas have also gained a function in the field of health and have become the primary source of reference for individuals. Thus, social media platforms, which are also used by healthcare professionals, have turned into a medium where advertisements can be made in all areas of health. In this context, the increase in the use of social media, along with the social media accounts of health workers in the health sector, has caused some ethical problems. In this direction, within the scope of the study, a literature review was conducted on health communication, social media and ethical issues. In the study, three sources related to health workers who are on Instagram and actively use the said social media tool were examined and the data obtained by applying the content analysis method to the selected social media accounts examined using the scanning model was interpreted. The effects of the use of social media, which are increasingly preferred in the field of health, have been evaluated within the framework of current practices.
Health Communication, Social Media, Etic.