In recent years, the rapid development of digital technologies and the widespread use of social media have fundamentally changed how we access information and communicate. Social media platforms enable individuals to access information and interact with various viewpoints quickly. However, it has also been observed that this situation leads to information asymmetry and ideological polarisation among individuals. This study examines the relationship between social media and political polarisation within the framework of selective exposure theory. Selective exposure theory posits that individuals tend to select and expose themselves to information that aligns with their own beliefs, values, and attitudes. Social media algorithms reinforce this process by presenting content based on users' interests. Users typically interact with content that supports their views and are not exposed to opposing viewpoints. This leads to the formation of echo chambers and filter bubbles, limiting the flow of information between individuals and increasing ideological polarisation. This study aims to reveal how social media users interact with content that aligns with their ideological preferences and how these interactions contribute to political polarisation by examining academic articles published between 2020 and 2024. Using literature review and content analysis methods, this research analyzes the existing findings to understand the effects of social media on political polarisation and evaluate the implications of these processes on democratic politics. The results show that social media has an effect that reinforces political polarisation and narrows individuals' worldviews.
The Power of Social Media: The Impact of Selective Exposure on Political Polarisation - Sosyal Medyanın Gücü: Seçici Maruz Kalmanın Politik Kutuplaşmaya Etkisi © 2024 by Muhammed Hasan Okumuş - Muhammet Kemal Karaman is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International 

Social media, selective exposure, political polarisation.