Abstract Throughout the ages, humanity has always been curious about knowing what is unknown and predicting the future. Although there are differences in learning about the future in every society, fortune-telling and spirit-calling rituals are encountered. In the Cadaloz humor newspaper, which started publication in 1911 and has a history of six months, many data were found on Spiritism, fortune-telling, female fortune-teller and futurism. In our study, we tried to shed light on the perception of Spiritism, that is, spirit-calling and fortune-telling in Ottoman society in the light of the Cadaloz humor newspaper. In our study, an evaluation of the cartoons and prose articles about fortune-telling in the Cadaloz humor newspaper was made. A cartoon in the content of the Cadaloz newspaper, which was about Ottoman politicians, was evaluated and the issue of how the Ottoman elites were subject to fortune-telling was discussed. The fact that in the last periods of the Ottoman Empire, politicians and palace officials resorted to fortune tellers as if they had no other option but to have their fortunes told in order to escape political instability was discussed in the cartoons and anecdotes in the content of the Cadaloz humor newspaper. Although fortune telling was not welcomed in Islam, it was a cultural ritual resorted to by people from all rotune of life in the Ottoman Empire, where the majority of the administrators and the people were Muslims. When we examine Ottoman manuscripts, it is understood that although those who engaged in fortune telling were punished in accordance with Ottoman law, this penalty was not applied to high society fortune tellers. Instead of being arrested, fortune tellers who were close to palace officials and mostly worked as mediums were subject to legal action and were released after being given advice. It is possible to evaluate this double standard practice as an indication of the official respect for the cultural structure and traditional texture within Ottoman legislation system.
Fortune Teller Woman in Cadaloz Humour Newspaper: Depiction of Cartoons on Ikbal (Star) Fortunes - Cadaloz Mizah Gazetesi’nde Falcı Kadın; İkbal (Yıldız) Fallarına Dair Karikatürlerin Tasviri © 2024 by Elçin Gün Canik is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International 

Key Words: Fortune Telling, Fortune Teller, Futurism, Spiritism, Cartoon.